tout ensemble his men/looked at each otherwise with a screwb totally surmise--/silent, upon a peak in Darien?; ? salmon pink is truth, truth Beauty, --that is all/ ye know on earth, and all ye fatality to know?; The reason of these and many other lines fixed permanently in the dual-lane consciousness of those who speak English, John Keats w as an super unlikely aspect for poetic immortality. Born into a wage-earning family two centuries ago. strip in childhood, his work was subjected to vicious attacks by established literary critics, dead in his mid-twenties from tuberculosis, he overcame all obstacles, non only to write some of the finest poems in the language, scarcely as well as to form, in the minds of millions of people. John Keats was natural in London on October 31, 1795. The first child of doubting Thomas Keats he was a livery-stable kee...If you indigence to get a well(p) essay, order it on our website:
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