
Monday, September 30, 2019

Classroom Management and Child Friendly School System Essay

I. Background The Department of Education (DepEd), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and other minor agencies works in collaboration to attain the goal in implementing the Child Friendly School System (CFSS) in connection to the protection of children in school. Their aim is to protect the pupil in all aspect of abuses whether it is from peers, parents, community and even from cruel teachers. Protect the child from physical, mental, emotional and verbal abuse. DepEd Memorandum No. 73, s. 2006 dated February 28, 2006 mandated the program of the Child-Friendly School System. Trainings were done afterwards to fully grasped the aims of the system. DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012 was re-polished and mandated the Child Protection Policies and Guidelines on protecting school children to any form of abuse, such as violence, exploitation, discrimination, bullying, and the like with the full support of Secretary Bro. Armin A. Luistro, FSC. In connection to this, Presidential Decree 603 of the Child and Youth Welfare Code, was passed last 1974, and still adopted until now which further supplements that our Philippine government supports the goal of the following agencies to ensure children’s safeties and guarantees that the rights of the children are properly impose by all men and that the children enjoys every rights they have. However, this DepEd Order, Memorandum and Proclamations were one or another misinterpreted, overused and misused. There were problems met along the way especially in the relationship of the teacher-pupil-stakeholders. These mandate also put a â€Å"wall† between them which seemingly affects the teaching-learning process inside the classroom. II. Statement of the Problem Studies show that the children now a day have short attention span than of those children in the ninetieth century and below. Children’s behavior and discipline is one major problem of teachers. Classroom management’s affectivity will only last in a short period too. Why is it so? Does DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012, DepEd Memorandum No. 73, s. 2006 and Presidential Decree 603 has great impact to children’s misbehaviors? How agencies promoting child’s protection do affect the classroom management? If there were loopholes in the guidelines and policies, how will the teacher implement discipline without violating any rules? III. Review Related Literature (RRL) †¢ Bible (Proverbs 3:11; Proverbs13:24; Proverbs 23:12-13) †¢ â€Å" Towards A Child –Friendly Education Environment†, PWU-CWC-UNICEF for Plan Philippines in 2009 †¢ Family Code †¢ Presidential Decree 603 †¢ DepEd Memorandum no. 73, s. 2006 †¢ DepEd Order no. 40, s. 2012 IV. Discussion & Analysis The oldest book in the world and the most reliable one is the Bible. The book also expressed the issue about disciplining children. It was written in the scriptures in Proverbs 3:11; 13:24; 23:12-13, it said that parents should not spare the rod when giving discipline so that children will know that they have done wrong and that every misconduct they have committed there is always a punishment for it. The Bible also teaches us to disciple our children in order for them to choose the correct values which eventually mold them as they grow. As our government supports the anti child abuse laws, there were pros and cons to this issue. Disciplinarians didn’t agree such provisions because it makes a child brat, selfish and disrespectful. When Filipinos embraced the western culture, our new generation changes their way of life. Filipino values were deteriorating. Eventually, teachers to this extent, have hard time in managing their pupils in the classroom. Here are the questions asked to the respondents done in random, regarding the issue for the purpose of gathering data, information and insights: 1. What do you think of the Child Friendly School System program of the Department of Education? 2. How will you access the reliability of the Child Protection Law? How about the Juvenile Delinquent? 3. Are you amenable in respecting the rights of the child? Why? 4. What is your point of view in disciplining a child? 5. Being a parent/teacher, how would you like to discipline a child? 6. Do you think there is a need to discipline a child with a â€Å"rod† in order to have good learning? Why? Traditional educators were not sold out to this because they said and have experienced that teaching children is never without punishment. Punishment became an option to pupils who doesn’t want to learn and follow instruction as well. As to Modern educators, learning among children is easier if done with fun. Both generations of educators have one common goal; to teach the children to learn and mold them to become a good citizen of the country and eventually to the world. But what is happening to our society today? Why even young kids were involved in crimes? Does the Department of Education have to do with it? If so, In what area of learning and molding does educators failed? Are educators solely to blame? In some area, YES! Here are some possible reasons: 1) Maybe because values taught did not penetrate deeply to the conscience of their pupils. 2) Maybe because teachers are just teaching the subject for the sake of teaching the subject. or †¦. 3) Maybe because the teacher himself is not an effective values teacher. Can we also blame the parents? For a great reason, YES! A child learns his entire â€Å"first† at home. First word, first vocabulary, first love, trust and respect, and the like. Parents’ genes run through in the blood of the child too. Therefore, parents must take their part to sustain the good learning of their children. Because surveys found out that home environment has a great impact to the child’s values formation and how they create their out look in life. In molding the child, parents, teachers, and as well as the government would definitely take part in molding the child. But of all the collaboration, why are children hard to handle in the classroom? Why does teachers keeps on finding ways and means, apply learning styles and strategies to manage the pupils in the classroom? To the point that if the teachers cannot handle them longer, even to the extended patience, teachers will rather choose to just sit down and wait for dismissal than to reprimand, â€Å"punish† and discipline the learners. Teachers don’t mind anymore bad attitudes of the pupils instead of disciplining then because of the child-friendly system. Why is it so? Parents now are concern more on how much money they can get/ask for moral damage if their child were scolded instead of working together to show respect to authority. That’s why teachers push themselves away to manage the classroom because of this kind of situations. But in fairness to parents, they are only protecting their children in this case because there were instances of abuses done by teachers or in the school premises. Here are samples of abuses: A. physical, verbal and sexual abuse and violence inflicted by Teachers & Other School Personnel: a. 3 out of 10 children in Grades 1-3 and almost 5 out of 10 from high school experience physical violence (such as pinching and hitting) committed by teachers; b. Approximately 4 out of 10 children in Grades 1-3 and 7 out of 10 in higher grade levels have complained of verbal abuse by their teachers; c. 36.53 % of children in Grades 4-6 and 42. 88% of high school students surveyed indicated they have experienced verbal sexual violence in school and 11.95% of children in Grades 4-6 and 17.60% of high school students have experienced inappropriate touching. B. Physical, Verbal and Sexual Abuse and Violence Among Children , (i.e. Bullying, etc.) a. 73.58% of children in Grades 4-6 and 78.36% in high school surveyed in urban areas have suffered verbal abuse violence from their peers; b. 30.17% of children in Grades 4-6 and 37.57% in high school surveyed in rural areas have experienced physical abuse or violence committed by their peers; c. 26.74% of children in Grades 4-6 and43. 71% in high school in urban areas surveyed have experienced verbal sexual abuse committed by their peers and9.65% of Grades 4-6 and 17.71 of high school students experienced inappropriate touching. †¢Source: â€Å" Towards A Child –Friendly Education Environment†, PWU-CWC-UNICEF for Plan Philippines in 2009 Who would want to experience such abuse? Nobody! So, with these trending phenomenons, as parents, the safety of their children is a must before preventing it to happen to them. With regards to teachers, cruel teachers, are now aware of their conducts inside the classroom or in the school premises and also in the style of disciplining their pupils. Even community today, is concern of these laws that surely helps it become possible. It is all known to men that every law made are for the benefits and the good of the concerned, and yet, there is no perfect law except the law of the Lord written in the Holy Bible. Hence, here are some good side of this Child Protection Law and the Child Friendly School System: 1. abuses among school children are minimize; 2. bullying were controlled; 3. everybody, especially the media are concern of the rights and privileges of the child which was not given emphasis before; and 4. Parents are comfortable enough that their children are covered by the government through pursuing the laws. As part of the saying â€Å"†¦there is no perfect law†¦Ã¢â‚¬  there are also loopholes in these provisions which unknowingly created bad outcomes and new problems in the implementation, such as: 1. created ill-mannered pupils/less values/misconducts; 2. teachers were abused by the parents and not respected by children and even the community; 3. privacy of teachers were not kept; 4. biblical quotes in imposing discipline were neglected; and the worst, 5. teachers seems to detached themselves in the very purpose of why they are teaching children in their classroom to avoid conflicts and cases filed against them in the long run. With this kind of attitude among teachers, the teaching-learning process is not delivered well. Teachers will only recognize those pupils who will follow his/her instructions. He/she will favor those who are not naughty. Teachers will no longer try the best of their ability to teach and mold young minds because they are afraid they might not control their temper and unfortunately â€Å"touched† a child, but the aim is to disciple alone, resulted conflicts and problems among him/her with the stakeholders. Because according to the law, a child is never wronged and would never tell lies. Is that so? How about children making stories, are they reliable? There are children getting involved in crimes. There are children using drugs. There are children killing children. Are these kinds of children exempted by the law? Law makers should give a second look at this. Who is wrong then? Is it the teachers? Is it the parents? Is it the Law? Everybody is after for the good and the betterment of the children, but what is happening today in the real world of learning, children now a day are hard to manage because the child friendly school system adopted and bench marked by the Department of Education from other countries’ educational project, which was supported by our Philippine government. V. Conclusions & Recommendations I strongly believe in the Holy Scripture in the teaching about disciplining our children. If we spare the rod, we tolerate their mistakes. But, we won’t hit them in such a way that it will create problem and hesitation for them to learn. Disciplining our children, our pupils, with love having the goal to let them realize their mistake and eventually regrets for doing such. No human being would like to see children suffering from any harm. No one in his good state of mind would abuse a child. Children are gifts from God so we have to nurture and give the best learning we could give in order for them to become a good citizen, with good moral values as they grow up. However, as they grow old they need to be scolded, reprimand and even be punish if needed so that they will not depart themselves in the teaching which was given to them. It will guide them to choose good over bad. I am in favor of giving punishment to school children especially in lower grades and should be carried on, because it will help them become lovers of truth and peace. BUT giving punishment should not go beyond what the law provides. Parents and teachers should work hand in hand in order to produce young minds with concern for fellow men and for the good of our country as well. I just hope that the laws and provisions in promoting the welfare of our youth and children will be overused or misinterpreted. I also hope that our government will also provide protection to teachers who were abused by the parents because there were some cases where parents are using their children to make stories against a certain teacher. Finally, classroom management is easier to handle if there is collaboration between the parents and teachers in giving JUST and FAIR punishment to the learners to assure more learning in a managed classroom learning situation.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Subaltern’s Love Song Essay

â€Å"A Subaltern’s Love Song† is a rhapsodic poem that details the poet’s real-life infatuation. Betjeman does not use the military definition of subaltern here, but instead is referring to someone in an inferior position. The author struggles, somewhat happily, against his love interest as she continually bests him at tennis. In Literature, poems can often be very difficult for one to comprehend and interpret the author’s perspective. Many people grew only being exposed to the basic â€Å"Roses are red, violets are blue† form of poetic expression, so anything that fails to employ simple rhythmic phrases can be somewhat aloof to some people. Poetry is one of the most artistic forms of literature because it influences the author to express big thoughts and imaginations in somewhat of an abbreviated writing style, in contrast to essays, short stories, and many more. A Subaltern’s Love Song by John Betjeman is an example of poetry that takes the reader on a journey of music and a love story. It was not until I actually read through the poem once did I realize that the title â€Å"A Subaltern’s Love Song† would actually allude to the character of this poem. The context of this poem is most certainly romantic, and indicative of a love story, however the form of the poem actually has a rhythm to it. I am not exactly certain if the author purposefully paralleled the word â€Å"song† in the title with music, but it was something that stuck out to me and was one of the things that did capture my interest in this particular poetic work. Due to the fact that I am a one who enjoys reading love stories, my imagination was most certainly ignited by reading this poem. Another thing that particularly stuck out to me about this poem was the use of ambiguity regarding the soldier and the love interest. The author was successful in my opinion with his use of ambiguity to â€Å"raise questions and suggest outcomes. † (Clugston, 2010) All of the aforementioned components of â€Å"A Subaltern’s Love Song† allowed me to be an active and responsive reader while I was reading this. The archetypal approach is the best analytical approach that can be used to describe this poem. The poems does not direct it attention to only one sole approach. Because the poem is not just limited to the author’s feelings or way of thinking but it is delivered in a manner that the author has you thinking of different ways to show your love. The archetypal approach is being used in line five where it states â€Å"Love-thirty, love-forty, oh! Weakness of joy† (Clugston, 2010). It relates the weakness to as getting older in life and taking a chance on love. This also shows his progress through life in which he learns to love and finally ask for marriage. Were in the last stanza of the poem it sums up the whole meaning of the poem. A good poem should write in such a way that it does not immediately reveal all of its secrets. But neither should the language be couched in such arcane and esoteric terms that discovering its meaning become impenetrable. Poem is not a synonym for puzzle. When the inherent message of a poem becomes impossible to understand, then it becomes a more of an ordeal than a pleasure. The references should, in my view, be accessible to scrutiny in such a way that its treasures are unlocked upon careful and considered reading. A deliberately confusing poem serves no purpose other than to prove what a smart Alec the poet is. A Subaltern’s Love Song is a perfect example of a well-structured poem. Upon first reading this seems little more than a clever poem written about a few posh twerps with too much time on their hands. But, there is so much more going on. It’s a love story that was not directly stated and I enjoyed the reading.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Absent Fathers

In The Other Wes Moore, by Wes Moore, both boys named Wes Moore without fathers living in their immensely poor neighborhood display the effects of living in a destitute area without a proper male mentor. Wes Moore, the author, was left without a father at age 4, which may have caused him to feel a lack of direction in the beginning of his life; in addition, living in a poor neighborhood may have caused him to be unable to see how success can come through education. His mother did indeed give him love, tried to get to him do well in school, and sent him to a private school, but Wes didn’t feel like trying to do well in school for at least two likely reasons. Wes always grew up in a place where most families had a low income. At Chinquapin Middle School in Baltimore: â€Å"Close to 70 percent of the kids were on the school lunch program†. Many of the parents of the community couldn’t afford to feed their children without financial aid from the government. Although he spent a lot of time living outside Baltimore, in the Bronx, he still lived in a place where crime and drugs were rampant. In places such as these, academic success would seem to be futile because of the lack of impression from people in their world. There wouldn’t be very many scholars, who had achieved a higher education and led a successful career that brought them happiness and a handsome salary. Living in Baltimore and the Bronx, Wes had nowhere to actually see with his own eyes how education could take him to great places. The death of the author’s father, and lack of a male mentor, definitely caused a stir of anger, confusion, fear, and possibly ended up in a depression that even affected how well he did in school. At such an early age, being hit with the sudden reality that your father is no more, emotions can become bottled up. According to a study in The Journal of Adolescence, the lower the GPA of students, the more commonly they were depressed. Wes had been left with a mental stigma for a part of his life, because of the death of his father, and his terrible performance in school is undeniable. In the third grade, he was reading at a second grade level. When attending Riverdale, he was hardly attending school and doing so terribly in academics that the principal called his mother. His mother then sent him to military school and because of that he was able to have male role models. Having male role models, arguably, was the main factor in how he turned his life around. He no longer felt the repressed emotions from when he was a child, and he eventually started to enjoy academics. Had he a father for all his life, he might have never had the same problems with academics and such. The other Wes Moore’s life was greatly influenced by his life’s circumstances. He also was raised in a destitute area where crime and drugs had taken over neighborhoods, and never had a real father figure. Young boys need a role model, and because he never had a male hero in his life, he looked to his brother as a role model. Even though his brother did not want him to get involved in the same crimes he was involved in: â€Å"To Wes, Tony was a ‘certified gangsta’† (Moore 27). Tony had an immense reputation in the drug game. He worked his way to the top, and naturally, such respect and reputation would appeal to other people. Wes eventually followed in Tony’s footsteps. He was also gravitated toward dealing drugs, because the only neighborhood he knew was filled with demand for drugs. His mother spread thin financially which was in part because they didn’t have any income coming from their father, and drugs seemed an easy way to make money in his world. He became heavily involved with selling drugs, and ultimately, he joined Tony in committing the crime that got them both into prison for the rest of their lives. With no father, Tony was the only one to look up to. Adolescents without fathers are twice as likely to drop out of high school, just as Wes did. Wes seemed doomed to never make it out of his poor, crime infested neighborhood, because of the environment and the absence of his father.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Alternative Suggestion Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Alternative Suggestion - Article Example The chapter is quite comprehensive but as an alternative, some sort of activity should be designed which would send a clear message to the children that these are the words or phrases that have to be used while indulging in a conversation. A list of such words should be made and time should be given to children to understand the meaning of using these words, a whole session or more should also be dedicated to teaching to children the usage and importance of using the appropriate words in such kinds of communication. After these activities have been carried out there should be an assignment designed not to check how much the children have really understood but it should be really more of a help to the children in cementing the ideas that they have already grasped in the session during which these concepts or rather ideas were given to them. After all this activity has taken place a final assignment should be given to the children, it is imperative that the objectives of this assignmen t are clear so that the children would know what exactly is expected of them. The idea of this alternative is to give children a solid understanding of how communication needs to take place while it involves time because it is one of the most basic requirements that one needs. As mentioned before the chapter covers all the aspects of conversing in relation to time but it lacks that basic requirement of making everyone understand, it is definitely practical, reliable only to the extent that the most intelligent children will grasp it.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Why Cash Flow From Operations is important information Article

Why Cash Flow From Operations is important information - Article Example Operating expenses are subtracted from the operating revenues to extract the net cash flow from operating activities; this is why it is so important for small businesses to keep in check its operating cash flows. The other reasons why cash flow from operating activities is so important for small businesses is its ability to quickly determine the immediate financial health of the company. Cash flow is important as it gives the firm the ability to pay off current expenses. The current expenses usually include; labor costs and debt repayments. For these reasons, cash flow from operations (CFO) is important for both parties; the firm as well as the lenders and creditors. The creditors can assess the investment potential of the company from its CFO. Small businesses usually start with debt financing and the interest is an operating cash flow, since this figure is adjusted for liabilities, depreciation and receivables (Ross, Westerfield, Jordan, 2012), an operating cash flow is generally more accurate measure of how much cash the business has generated as compared to other measures such as Net Income (NI) or Earnings Before Interests and Taxes

A day in the life of Alex Sander Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A day in the life of Alex Sander - Case Study Example ndon, the 360-degree feedback is used as a confidential and anonymous system where the employees receive the feedback from the people who works with them. The people who provide the feedback at Landon consists of the employees in the downward hierarchy, the upward hierarchy and the peer groups and also the outsiders directly involved with the activities at Landon. From the sample of feedback form in the case, it seems that around ten to twelve people are embraced in the entire process of feedback. Every person providing the feedback is required to fill up an anonymous feedback form that involves a number of areas in the competencies at workplace. The anonymous form asks the participants to put their views on the form according to certain rated areas. The areas are the greatest strengths of the employees and those that require further developments in the workplace. The participants are also asked to cite examples of instances that can provide evidence to their comments. The person who receives feedback from the people in the organization is also needed to fill a self-rating form where the rating areas remain the same as that of others. The completely filled feedback forms are handed over to the employees and after the employees go through the form once, they are asked to meet their boss for counseling. 1.2 Mode of Using the 360-Degree Feedback The appraisal system of 360-degree feedback should be primarily used by the companies for fulfilling the following objectives: 1.2.1 Help Employees to Become More Effective The 360-degree feedback should be used as a tool of development for helping the employees in recognizing their strengths and weaknesses so that they can focus more on the strengths and reduce or remove the weaknesses for becoming more effective in achieving their assigned goals. If the appraisal can be done properly, it acts as a highly effective tool for development, both for the employees as well as for the companies as a whole. The process should be used in a way that provides the people an opportunity for citing feedback to the performance of their co-workers. The recipients of the feedback should be accordingly provided proper motivation so that they can excel in their jobs. 1.2.2 Measure Employee Performance The appraisal format should focus more on the competencies and behaviors of the employees rather than on the basic skills, objectives of performance and requirements of the job. This approach should be followed because these attributes of the employees are best observed and addressed by peers and managers as a part of the performance review and appraisal process annually. It is possible through the technique to review the management performance more appropriately. The 360-degree appraisal system should be used with proper and clear communication of the entire process to the employees. Solution to the Question No: 2 2.1 Behaviors of Alex that had Greater Impact on the Data of 360-Degree The people who are working under th e supervision of Alex Sander perceived his nature differently. This is because of the fact that Alex was dedicated towards his works and had consistently shown aggression in every job that he performed. But according to his peers, upward colleagues and downward colleagues, at certain times, his dedication takes the form of violence and this is the reason that Alex has received

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Chicago Bulls Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Chicago Bulls - Case Study Example The law on privacy of medical information requires extreme confidentiality of individual medical information. Individual sensitive medical information should remain with the involved party and confidential. The employment act requires employers to bargain in good faith over any terms that address a mandatory subject such as working conditions. An employer requiring an employee to undergo a DNA test is likely to use the test results as a basis for employment discrimination. As much as the employer is concerned about the wellness of the employee, it is not ethical for him or her to insist on a DNA test for an unwilling employee since it is infringement of his or her privacy. Unless such a requirement was included in the collective bargaining and agreed upon by all parties, it is not ethical. An employer may request an employee to undergo a DNA test if the employee is operating dangerous machinery or piloting a plane due to his concern to identify any genetic illness that may pose the employee and other people in danger. Such request should be made in reasonable grounds since its invasion of individual privacy. The employee’s actions may be unethical to the extent that he does not respect the employee’s privacy and employment law that is against discrimination on genetic basis. Unless there is collective bargaining among all involved parties and consent is given, it is unfair to the employee, but also a good ground to show employer’s concern on employee’s safety in the work place but not the most

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Language, Culture and Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Language, Culture and Identity - Essay Example The accent of speech varies from language to language, thus becoming a customized feature of the language. Culture an individual belongs to reflects in the language to such an extent that it can be judged from his/her pronunciation and tone of speech. For example, Sikhs speak Punjabi. The accent in which Punjabi is spoken is a special feature of this language. Accordingly, when Sikhs tend to speak English, their accent remains Punjabi. Likewise, when English people speak Urdu, they speak it with an English accent. Arabs cannot pronounce the alphabets â€Å"D† and â€Å"T† without touching the tip of their tongue with the inner side of the front teeth. This essentially changes the sound of these alphabets from the way they are spoken by English people. When a person utters D and T this way, his/her ancestry can be traced to Arabs without a doubt. Likewise, â€Å"Chicanos and other Spanish speakers also shift ll toy and z to s† (Anzaldua). This tells that language is a very prominent feature of an individual’s culture and represents an individual’s identity.People develop their behavior according to the ethical standards that vary from culture to culture. Actions which are considered requirements of ethics in some cultures may be understood as misbehavior in other cultures. For example, in the West, it is normal and more importantly ethical for a man and woman to shake their hands to greet each other whereas the same may be quite unacceptable to a Muslim woman. Therefore, when a woman does not shake hand with a man in any society, it essentially depicts the origin of her behavior in the Islamic culture. Islam forbids women and men to shake hands with one another unless the two are father-daughter, mother-son or brother-sister etc. Therefore, language does not always have to be verbal in order to define an individual, body language also speaks volumes about his/her cultural identity.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Media - Essay Example Winchell became a national institution in the 1920s, with a daily column and a weekly radio broadcast. These Medias helped him to reach million of Americans. "the way to become famous fast is to throw a brick at someone who is famous" claimed Winchell. Ironically, this statement perfectly matches the character. Winchell spent his entire career gossiping on the lives of Broadway and Hollywood stars. Nevertheless, Winchell can not be summed up only as a gossip journalist. He was the first one to attack Hitler and American pro-fascists and pro-Nazis during the Second World War. In that point of view, Winchell remains an example as - even nowadays - journalists do not usually take sides for or against one movement. Naturally, they express an opinion, opinion which can be seen as expressing a unbiased vision, but Winchell did more than that. He was the first journalist to shout what others whispered. In that prospect, Winchell is one of a kind and until now, no other journalists can be co mpared to him in his manner and his style. On the other, the fact that Winchell took sides and was publicly involved in politics may have caused his decline. In the 1950s ha supported Senator Joseph McCarthy during his hunt of the communists in institutions, politics, and entertainment. Winchell's decline started with McCarthy failure and unpopularity. In the 1960s Winchell's home paper, the New York Daily Mirror closed, he was left jobless and the public began to forget about him. It seems like his popularity faded like a Hollywood star who would have shot a series of bad movies, insisted that they were master pieces and kept doing all the inappropriate moves to be noticed. However, it is difficult to say that Winchell is unique, as he created a new movement in journalism. Today, there are a lot of journalists who are doing what Winchell did in that time. But, the fact is that Winchell exposing private lives of Broadway and Hollywood stars can not be seen today as something extraordinary as the press is filled with that type of journalists. Some channels are entirely dedicated to gossip - we could only give the example of E! Entertainment television to name only one. In a way, the press is full of Walter Winchell but nobody can ever be like him. As if journalists have learned from Winchell's errors and decided to remain journalists and not to be part of the political scene or any whatsoever. Are they making a mistake The history of Walter Winchell is not only filled with outrageous scandals. He was also a subtle journalist making inside "gossips". For instance, his long time ghost writer Herman Klurfeld recalls an item from the 1930s about Joe Kennedy.: "I had learned that one of his mistresses was a gangster's widow. Now, we never linked a married man with another woman. What I wrote was 'one of FDR's aides has (a gangster's) widow as his keptive.' K-E-P-T-I-V-E -- that's all. The only one who knew who we were referring to was Joe Kennedy." Naturally, he was not this tender with all the artists. One of today's best-read gossip columnist Liz Smith remembers that once Winchell reported that Bette Davis had cancer of the jaw, some press agent said "Well, I don't know whether she has it or not, but if she doesn't have it, she'd better get it!". This was exactly the kind of reaction that Winchell expected while writing or animating his show on the radio. Finally, one

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Success Seen in ED Study Essay Example for Free

Success Seen in ED Study Essay : The process of learning has become more advanced after the development of the information technology. Students can use technology to study their subjects clearly, so that they can understand it better. The environment of the classroom becomes richer as students access to different types of technologies. Technology can increase the knowledge and achievement of the student. Students can generate impressive results. There are many positive benefits by applying information technology in the education department. Students can do research on several topics and represent information in many forms. Students become independent learners and self starters by using technology in the classrooms. Education technology has shown a tremendous positive effect on the students. Using online telecommunication skills in the classrooms among different regions helps to improve the academic skills of the students as a whole. By using technology in the field of education, student shows more interest in learning, they become motivated towards the subjects. Education technology includes video discs, internet, tele-communication and online education from other parts of the world. â€Å"The most important technologies such as computers, communications systems, internet, and interactive video disc provide an environment in which problem solving can be developed. † Impact of information technology on the society The digital divide is the first step which was considered when reflecting on the social changes coming up with the information technology. There after, it has been held that this information technology is going to produce the differences in the development of society and people. Digital divide is nothing but the gap between people who have effective access to information technology and who do not have the access to it. It’s just the imbalances between the society of people with physical access to technology and also imbalances in the skills needed to have access over the digital and information technology to participate as a digital citizen. Digital divide effects globally also. Global digital divide is the difference between the technology accesses between the countries. There are three types of digital divide – the first is based on the access, which is difference between the society who can access the technology and those who do not have enough access over the technology. The second point is based on the usage that is the difference between the society who know how to use technology efficiently and those who does not have enough skills to use the technology. The third point is based on the usage quality that is the efficient use of the technology among the two groups of societies who has enough access to the technology and who do not have the enough knowledge about the information technology. The scope of digital divide has been changing from time to time. First, digital divide has shown the difference in the connectivity problems. Later, when the technology was developed, it introduced the importance of skills required to use the information technology. In the way, digital divide is changing day by day and the technology is being developed. Digital divide mainly focuses on the infrastructure, capacity building and resource usage. The impact of information technology on the society leads to many technological developments which have an influence on every part of the society. The digital divide has tremendous effect on the society. The prominence of the computers, internet and the other developing technologies had a great consequence on the society. It effects on the age, gender, education and income. In some cases, geographical locations and race also plays an important role. The digital divide helps in restructuring the society as a whole. The digital divide shows more development in the countries and societies which have better access opportunities to the technology. This development differs in different ways, it is based on education, gender, income, geographical locations, race, political, social and cultural conditions. For instance, if we take the age factor, there is usually gap between the generations. Every generation feel the gap in one or the other form like difference in clothing, music, style of living etc. few things are dissimilar among the generations, it is because of the amalgamation of the technology. it was seen in a report that about 8 million Americans use the internet, among those 58% of Americans age 50-64, 75% of 30-49 and 77% of 18-29 year old. In High income countries, with 14% of the world’s population, 79% of the people are using the internet. And in south Asia, which is one-fifth of the world’s population, only 0. 4% are online. Progress should be made in associating the digital divide between the developed and the developing countries. There is a wide and growing information divide between the haves and have-nots, Katz said. Consumerism Consumerism is equating the personal happiness with the purchasing of material possessions and consumption. It is multicultural and non geographical. Online commerce or e-commerce is nothing but buying and selling goods and services through online services such as Internet. A wide variety of work can be done such as electronic funds transfer, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange, etc. through the e-commerce. E-Bay phenomenon is nothing but the transaction between individual to individual (I 2 I). Online auction services like e-Bay help in facilitating these kinds of transactions. Music Industry has also developed a lot due to the advancement of the technology as the cost of equipments has decreased and many new sophisticated instruments have come to the market. Music can be accessed from any part of the World through the Internet or through the Radio and T. V. signals. Development of Information technology has hastened the progress of the world. It is defined as â€Å"the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer- based information systems, particularly software applications and computer hardware. † With the advancement and progress of the IT sector it has revolutionized the world in a way by increasing the communications between the people of the world; and also having great impact on service sectors like in banking, insurance, transportation, health care, professional and personal services etc. It also facilitates the consumerism, as a person can sale any article or good from sitting at any part of the world to any person located at any other part. The distance barrier is brought down due to this progress in the field of IT and Consumerism. It has tremendous impact on the person’s life as it gives him easier methods to acquire Knowledge, improving the working potential by providing many jobs, as IT has become one the important service sector in many countries. For example, in developed countries like USA it amounts to 74% of GDP.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Innocent Until Proven Guilty: An Evaluation

Innocent Until Proven Guilty: An Evaluation This claim is very similar to that of Blackstones ratio, which simply states that it is better that ten guilty persons escape, than that one innocent suffer When taken at face value, it simply means that no one should be punished for any alleged crime, unless it can be proven that they are guilty. This is so that justice can be done, where no innocent should suffer for anothers crime. Although it sounds logical and fairly straight forward, before we agree with the claim, we should seek to understand each detail of the claim, where the claim implies, and the consequences of the eventuation of the claim. Interpretation and Analysis As discussed above, the general idea of the claim is that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. The claim implies that as long as there is any doubt, however insignificant, that a defendant is guilty, he should be released, lest he be unjustly incarcerated. By using the word incarcerated instead of using more specific words like imprison, it opens up several other possible meanings to the claim. The other possible meanings would be confinement or, in other words, placed under detention. The claim also failed to specify the time frame, so it is also implying that innocent persons should not be unjustly incarcerated, even for the shortest period of time. In this context, it can be linked to that of Australias detention orders under the anti terrorism law, which allows a person to be detained for 24 hours, with the option for the order to be extended for a total period not exceeding 48 hours. This, in itself, is controversial, as it is said to infringe the personal rights of liberty of individuals. Sadly, a world where no innocents are unjustly punished is a utopian one. Indeed, it is the ideal scenario when only the guilty is punished, and the innocent walks free. That is what the justice system is about. However, this is not always the case, and there is always a possibility that an innocent person is found guilty. An example of such a case would be DOrta-Ekenaike v Victorian Legal Aid, when the plaintiff was unjustly convicted due to bad legal advice given by the Victorian Legal Aid  [2]  . In fact, in many criminal cases, there is always a small chance that, however ridiculous the argument or explanation the defence puts up, it could be actually true, and that the defendant is truly innocent. Therefore, in order to ensure that truly no innocent is punished by mistake, the defendant must be allowed to go free in such cases, no matter how probable that he is guilty of the accused crime. This is the exact scenario which the claim seems to suggest at face value, where it is better that fifty guilty persons walk free than a single innocent person be unjustly incarcerated, and this might lead to the breakdown of the justice system, when the accused would simply conjure up some story to use as defence in court, hence raising doubt about their guilt, so that they would get acquitted. The claim also failed to mention the type of crime which the fifty persons allowed to walk free were guilty of. The scenario the claim suggests might be within limits which are reasonable if it is for relatively minor offences such as littering or parking offences, but it is an entirely different story if the crimes of the fifty guilty people include serious offences such as murder. This raises the question on whether it is worth the personal rights of the person, to uphold justice for this one innocent person, and in turn, opening up the possibility that fifty violent psychopaths being allowed to walk free to wreak havoc in society. Even if it is argued that it is not necessary that all fifty people are those guilty of serious crimes, the damage that even just one serial murderer can do is very significant. We just cannot afford to let one serial murderer walk free, much less fifty, for the stability and peace within our society. In light of the terrorist acts on the September 11, 2001, as well as the subsequent acts of terror around the world, it raises another problem to the claim. The damage that a single terrorist could wreak in our society could possibly be beyond what many of us can imagine. Even if just one of the hypothetical guilty people who are released is a terrorist, much less fifty, there would be serious implications to our society as a whole. The terrorist, with an agenda to create as much terror as he can, could detonate bombs in crowded areas like what happened in the Bali bombings, go on a shooting spree or even disrupt important conferences which involves world leaders. Not only will these result in loss of numerous lives, it will also tarnish the nations reputation in the eyes of other countries, especially if it involved the leaders of other nations, and this, in turn would have negative economic consequences, an example being the decline in the number of tourists. Therefore, in these times of turmoil and terror, perhaps, if the incarceration, be it temporary or permanent, of one innocent along with the fifty guilty people would be the key factor in preventing a terrorist attacks which would possibly result in numerous loss of lives, perhaps, ignoring the personal rights of the individual, it is the better alternative than letting all of them walk free, with possibly disastrous consequences. Evaluation and Inference The claim can be related to many of the theories we have learnt in the course, the most prominent one being liberalism, which is linked to human rights. It also can be related to the theory of natural law, as well as utilitarianism, which focuses more on the morals of the consequences rather than that of the action itself. From the natural law point of view, which focuses on the ethics of ones actions rather than the consequences, the laws of the state which goes against the values set out in Gods law, or based on principles of justice, are morally wrong. Laws made by the state should follow the set of values, or they would not be just law. Some things are just plain morally wrong, such as the wartime atrocities under the German law, and most people, if not all, would agree. The punishment of an innocent individual, as suggested by the claim, although nowhere as serious as the former, is still morally wrong in the eyes of most people. It is even stated in the Bible in Genesis 18:23-32 that God would not punish the innocent, and that if ten innocent and just people are found within the city, God would not destroy the city for their sake.  [3]  Therefore it can be said that in the eyes of natural law, the claim is perfectly just, and that laws made by the state should adhere to the principles laid do wn by the claim. From the liberalism point of view, which emphasises on individual rights, the unjust incarceration of an individual, regardless of the duration, would be an infringement of the rights of the individual. In fact, by the incarceration of the individual, it already goes against a number of rights listed in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, examples being Article 11, where everyone is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty, and Article 13, where everyone has freedom of movement within the boundaries of each state.  [4]  These are fundamental human rights which everyone is presumed to have, and it can be disturbing to suggest that some of this rights are being violated in a first world country, such as Australia. Examples would be the preventive detention order, control orders as well as questioning warrants in Australia, where individuals, in some cases even those without suspicion, may be detained for questioning.  [5]   However, the two perspectives mentioned above does not take into account the consequences of the actions. From the utilitarianism point of view, the most moral action would be the one which would benefit the most number of people in the end, instead of focusing on the morality of the act itself. This could be seen as for the benefit of communal wellbeing, which brings about the commonly heard phrase for the greater good. If by detaining the group of people, inclusive of the fifty guilty people as well as one innocent person, and as a result, terrorist attacks could be avoided, then in the eyes of the utilitarian, it is the act that is the most moral. In fact, by the very same Universal declaration of rights mentioned earlier, it is mentioned in Article 2 that Everyone has the right to security of the person.  [6]  Since in this scenario, it is impossible to be entitled to all the rights listed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is ultimately better to choose the out come which end up benefiting the most people. Since somebody is going to suffer in the end, it might as well be that innocent individual, rather than the whole of society being affected as a result. Of course, some people might point out the individual rights of the hypothetical innocent person. and the justification for the incarceration. They might even enquire how is it even permissible that the innocent can be incarcerated even without being proven that he is guilty. However, looking back in time, when man first came together to form society, they had to give up part of their liberty in exchange for stability when they had to follow the law, so that they are able to live peacefully in turn. In light of the terrorist attacks, each of us should be prepared to give up a bit more of our rights, so that we are able to have the peace of mind and live in security. It is due to the nature of the terrorist attacks, which we have to take extra precautions, as there can be almost no warning when a terrorist will strike, and when it does happen, the damage would be massive. It is not always possible to find sufficient evidence in time to detain the suspected terrorists, and new anti ter rorism laws had to be introduced to allow the detention of suspected terrorists without the need for evidence, and it is inevitable that innocents would be detained by mistake as well. This is further justified, when Australia is near the top of the terrorists hit list, and the danger of such attacks occurring in the country is very real indeed.  [7]  The possibility of being incarcerated by mistake, along with the actual guilty people is a risk we must be all be prepared to take, so that we can enjoy continued peace. Reflection When I first started working on the essay, my original intention was to write revolving around the issue of human rights. I actually intended to write in support for the human rights of the innocent individual, as in reality, no reasonable person would want to be put under detention even without being proven to be guilty. This, I believe, would be the more popular mindset, and the more popular perspective. It is also one of the reasons why I chose to study law, which is to fight for the rights of others, and for a small duration of time, I was focused on planning my essay argument solely towards that direction. Although I am not a fan of the utilitarian perspective, being from a Christian background and having the beliefs that the morality is all about the actions of the individual, throughout the course of planning and writing the essay I have realised that the consequences of the scenario suggested by the claim are also extremely important, and a balance has to be struck between the morality of the action and that of the consequences. Having held leadership appointments in the Singapore Armed Forces, I also understand that some measures, although harsh and unpopular, are necessary for the security and wellbeing of the society. This has also helped me to understand that the threat of terrorism is very real, and that the peace we are living in now should not be taken for granted. This essay has also revealed myself as a open-minded individual, as I was willing to reconsider my own views and beliefs throughout the course of writing this essay. The essay also revealed showed that I am courageous, by challenging the viewpoints which are commonly taken for granted, as well as taking up an unorthodox perspective. Conclusion Therefore, perhaps in these times of terror, and with Australia running the real risk of being hit by terrorist attacks, letting fifty people go free so that no innocents are incarcerated would be inappropriate. Although I support the laws allowing individuals to be detained even without being proved to be guilty due to the sheer necessity, I believe that the authorities should show discretion in doing so and not abuse the power it provides. This is after all, a delicate balance between human rights and the communal wellbeing of the society.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A New Journey - Original Writing :: Papers

A New Journey - Original Writing A journey begins with a step, a voice, a vision or a loved one. My journey first began with a cry, unknowing what the future beholds, but in the end, I found myself at a destination which I did not visualise. A destination that was not meant to be. An end that became a new beginning. "Please don't do this to me, Ma." I said with a shaky voice. Already annoyed, my mother said, "I just can't afford it, okay?" "But what about my future? If I don't go to college, I won't even have one." "You know something? You are selfish. All you care about is yourself. Have you ever thought about my position? I don't have a job. I don't have a stable income. And you know what your father is doing about this? Nothing. Don't talk to me about this now." She said as she walked away. I followed her to the kitchen, unwilling to give in. "I'm selfish? You're the one who is selfish! Now all you think about is Gary. I'm your daughter! I came first! I'm supposed to be number one!" I shouted. My vision began to blur as a film of tear coated my eyeballs. "Why are you doing this to me, Ma? Every time you come home, all you do is talk to Gary. You know I'm alone. You know I don't have friends. And now I've lost you. I might as well be dead." I grumbled. "You are just so bloody stubborn! Go on. Go hang yourself." She ended the conversation with such hurtful words. With uncontrollable tears streaming out of my eyes, I ran into my room and slammed the door hard. I took out my journal and put in writing everything that had just happened. As I was doing so, I thought about my father; I hate him. It is his fault all this had happened. It was his cruel gesture that caused this mess. How is it that he had the heart to do

How to Unload Your Unwanted Collectibles via the Internet :: Process Essays

How to Unload Your Unwanted Collectibles via the Internet Trying to rid yourself of that box of old comics? Sick of all the CDs cluttering up your shelf space? While secondhand stores will do for some people, finding one that'll give you a good deal is next to impossible. If you need to unload what your particular hobby produces, whether it be rare books, old records, or baseball cards, the Internet provides the best opportunity for you to reach your market. Granted, selling a large volume of material yourself isn't easy: I discovered this the hard way when I first put my large collection of old CDs up for sale. But with the right preparations, running an e-sale is profitable, fun, and can provide you with contacts that prove useful for future sales. Step 1: The Sale Setup Your first concern should be cataloguing your collection. Make a note of each item you want to sell, as well as the price. It'd be a good idea to visit a shop that specializes in selling the collectible secondhand, such as a used bookstore or music store. Since buyers on the Internet usually expect to find a deal better than they could get otherwise, setting the item price slightly (around %10 or so) lower than a thrift shop will prevent them from clicking past you. Find a notebook, one that pages won't rip out of; this is your sale ledger. Keeping a tangible record of each item, price, buyer, buyer's mailing address, and shipping number in your ledger will prevent mistakes before they start. Believe me, dealing with an irate customer who claims you've mailed her the wrong CDs is much easier when you can prove the opposite. Finding an appropriate forum for your advertisement is probably the most important part of your setup. Usenet, a distributed bulletin board system that most Internet service providers and academic institutions make available to their users, is your best bet for reaching potential buyers. Usenet is divided into several hierarchies, or groups of bulletin boards (known individually as Blogs) that feature similar topics of discussion. For example, the alt.marketplace hierarchy contains the alt.marketplace, alt.marketplace.books, alt.marketplace.cassettes, and alt.marketplace.videotapes Blogs. However, when staging your sale you must choose the appropriate Blog. Posting daily sale updates to an off-topic Blog can get you flamed, mailbombed, or worse. Research your options thoroughly and well; read the news.answers Blog or set your web browser's URL to ftp://rtfm. How to Unload Your Unwanted Collectibles via the Internet :: Process Essays How to Unload Your Unwanted Collectibles via the Internet Trying to rid yourself of that box of old comics? Sick of all the CDs cluttering up your shelf space? While secondhand stores will do for some people, finding one that'll give you a good deal is next to impossible. If you need to unload what your particular hobby produces, whether it be rare books, old records, or baseball cards, the Internet provides the best opportunity for you to reach your market. Granted, selling a large volume of material yourself isn't easy: I discovered this the hard way when I first put my large collection of old CDs up for sale. But with the right preparations, running an e-sale is profitable, fun, and can provide you with contacts that prove useful for future sales. Step 1: The Sale Setup Your first concern should be cataloguing your collection. Make a note of each item you want to sell, as well as the price. It'd be a good idea to visit a shop that specializes in selling the collectible secondhand, such as a used bookstore or music store. Since buyers on the Internet usually expect to find a deal better than they could get otherwise, setting the item price slightly (around %10 or so) lower than a thrift shop will prevent them from clicking past you. Find a notebook, one that pages won't rip out of; this is your sale ledger. Keeping a tangible record of each item, price, buyer, buyer's mailing address, and shipping number in your ledger will prevent mistakes before they start. Believe me, dealing with an irate customer who claims you've mailed her the wrong CDs is much easier when you can prove the opposite. Finding an appropriate forum for your advertisement is probably the most important part of your setup. Usenet, a distributed bulletin board system that most Internet service providers and academic institutions make available to their users, is your best bet for reaching potential buyers. Usenet is divided into several hierarchies, or groups of bulletin boards (known individually as Blogs) that feature similar topics of discussion. For example, the alt.marketplace hierarchy contains the alt.marketplace, alt.marketplace.books, alt.marketplace.cassettes, and alt.marketplace.videotapes Blogs. However, when staging your sale you must choose the appropriate Blog. Posting daily sale updates to an off-topic Blog can get you flamed, mailbombed, or worse. Research your options thoroughly and well; read the news.answers Blog or set your web browser's URL to ftp://rtfm.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Typical and Atypical Abuse Essay -- Physical Emotional Abuse Abusive E

Typical and Atypical Abuse Physical and emotional abuse can originate from any source but the majority of the abuse generates from parental or adult figures and is direct toward a timid figure, typically a child. The abuser commonly chooses a more timid recipient because they will be less likely to stand up against the abuser. Physical abuse is maltreatment that involves actual contact between one body part of a person and an other body part of an other person, such as hitting or slapping. Emotional abuse consists of just the opposite: maltreatment that is directed to harming the individual psychologically, such as negative comments or put downs (National Exchange Club Foundation, 2000). Regardless of whom the abuse is directed toward or whether its physical or emotional, it all causes several types of damage. Abuse is not limited to a specific type of community or to children (NAEYC, 1997). Three million children are victims of abuse each year. Each day three hundred and sixteen young children are arrested for crimes. Sixteen die from gun related wounds (Massey, 1998). The majority of these statistics are related to abused children from home settings, which will cause significant damage to how the child deals with everyday situations in settings out of the home. The effects of abuse tend to vary with different children but any type of abuse can cause serious damage. Not all children display the same responses to physical and emotional abuse. A few of the typical emotional responses include; showing excessive fear, extreme anger, low self-esteem, and an inability to trust adult figures. In contrast a few physical responses are difficulties developing speech patters, difficulties getting involved with other ch... ... situations, such as; gangs, drug abusers, and children that were abused but adults. But with programs, time and devotion the country is now lowering their numbers of each hazard that can cause harm to the students learning environment. Rose, M. (2002, February 22). TSL Education Limited The Times Educational Supplement. Abuse That Comes With a Smile for Not Making Waves, pp. 2 from the Academic Search/EBSCO database There are a few parents who choose to educate their children at home so the students will not come into contact with controversial topics. However, by home schooling, the parents unwittingly enforce social learning issues on their children because they will never feel comfortable in situations that deal with other people their own age. This proves the children need the social aspect of school just as much as the educational aspect.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Safe sky

Flying Many people care about there safety when is comes to traveling. Do people understand how safe they really are? Airplane pilots have the responsibility and the skill to protect a great sum of people. Those who have ever flew on an airplane before have left there lives in the hands of the pilot. You don't always have a smooth flight and walk out complaining but at least there are no disturbances in the cabin. Pilots must be armed in the cockpit to ensure the safety of the passengers on a commercial flight. The history of airplanes has been around for centuries.It dates all the way back to the 1900's with two brothers named Orville and Wilbur Wright. The Wright brothers worked in a bicycle shop when they got inspired to fly. They began building gliders and improving it flight by flight until it was flyable. The Wright Brothers became the first people to successfully fly a plane with a person in it. In December of 1903, the Wright brothers created the first powered plane that coul d fly for more than an hour (History). Airplanes have come a long way since that point; however, airplanes are still not totally safe or risk. On September 11, 2001 tragedy hit for airplanes.Hijackers hijacked multiple planes, to hit multiple targets. This could have been avoided if pilots were approved to carry firearms on airplanes. Many people insist that it wouldn't have made a difference, and could have made the situation worse if the pilots were armed and hijackers got a hold of them. Pilots can know be armed in the cockpit on aircrafts after certain requirements are met since the tragedy that occurred on September 1 1 . The pilots were trained at a flight school in Arizona. â€Å"President Obama is quietly ending the federal firearms program, risking public safety on airlines in the name of an anti-gun ideology.The paper notes that $2 million has been diverted from training for the program, and that approval of new pilots has â€Å"stalled out. † President Obama is qu ietly ending the federal firearms program, risking public safety on airlines in the name of an anti-gun ideology (Valone). Since Obama's election, pilots have told us that the approval process for letting pilots carry guns on planes slowed significantly. He is supposed to be helping the problem but making it worse. President Obama is cutting the prices in the wrong places putting peoples live at stake for a budget cut. People safety is more important.Why not cut from the TSA, who has never stopped a terrorist attack even with all the new technology they have. Many reasons exist as to why airline pilots should be armed in the cockpit, but the strongest and most sensible reason is now much responsibility is on the pilot. common stereotype is that pilots Just take off the plane, put it in autopilot, then kick back and take a nap or watch a movie. Pilots aren't always aware of what is going on in the cabin. If there were a disturbance in the cabin and people tried to break into the cock pit pilots would be able to defend them selves and other passengers if rmed.The guns they would carry would be equipped with frangible bullets made of highly compressed, powdered alloys rather than solid lead or other metals such as those used in standard bullets. (Stark) The difference with these bullets are they wont ruin the fuselage of the airplane (body of plane). The bullets are destructive to human flesh and would tear the target up. Pilots with these bullets can protect passengers and help avoid from any terrorist attacks on planes. Pilots will also have to go through a rigorous training course in which will deputize them as Federal Flight Deck Officers.The Federal Flight Deck Officers (FFDO) program was created after the September 1 1, 2001, terrorist attacks and has since trained 12,000 pilots on how to carry weapons and defend their aircraft against an attack. These Federal Flight Deck Officers are mostly ex military. That means that they have the extra gun training due t o the background in the military and also specialize in combat training. The course that pilots have to go through is tough. Pilots go through dozens of simulations and practice sessions designed to be as real as instructors can make them by going live and also interacting with a computer.Pilots have blistered trigger fingers after they shoot a total of 8,000 rounds from their semiautomatic pistol in one training simulation. They also practice striking and grappling with attackers in close quarters. The training has been done in an area comparable to the size of a phone booth, in order to simulate the cockpit's cramped quarters. Pilots must also undergo a psychological test. Pilots in the FFDO program must place their firearms in a separate lockbox when not in the cockpit because TSA says that the pilots' jurisdiction ends at the cockpit door.Many people that are opposed to commercial pilots being armed say that it will ust cause more of a threat. There are many concerns that have b een raised about arming pilots or letting them carry guns, but armed pilots actually have a much easier Job than air marshals. An armed marshal in a crowded cabin can be attacked from any direction. He must be able to quickly identify innocent civilians from terrorists. An armed pilot only needs to deal with the people trying to force their way into the cockpit. It is also much easier to defend the cockpit rather than to have to chase the terrorist and physically capture them, as a marshal would.The terrorists an only enter the cockpit through one narrow entrance, and armed pilots have time to prepare themselves as hijackers try to break down the strengthened cockpit doors. For example, if there was a situation to where a terrorist got into a cockpit before the pilots could react the terrorist will know have a gun as a weapon compared to a plastic knife or fake bomb. (Mackett ) People also say that if a pilot was to miss a shot that the bullet can damage the fuselage of the plane an d cause the plane to suffer from depressurization problems.Opponents bring up a respectable case but most of it can be fixed or proven wrong. Arming commercial pilots will make the planes safer and trustworthier. Many people also say that innocent bystanders can get hurt or killed in a result of a pilot having to use a gun in an emergency. That's not a good reason because cops get into shootouts and very rarely do innocent bystanders get shot or killed. Also the pilots would have gone through extensive target training to prevent them from missing their target. One pilot would be fighting off the terrorist as the other fly the plane.Six percent of those who have applied for the FFDO program have not been accepted; two percent were not qualified to apply, three ercent failed the psychological evaluation, and one percent failed the background investigation Oohnson). Commercial pilots belong to one of the most respectable categories Jobs out. They are responsible for many people lives a t one time. Airplane pilots should be armed because in a situation that could not be resolved it could end smoothly by a pilot. The pilots would be required to take a six week training program that would teach them techniques on how to disarm a terrorist and target training.Also the ammunition for the weapons will be made out of highly compressed powdered alloys that should shatter on harder surfaces (Stark). Commercial pilots must be armed in the cockpit to insure the safety of the passengers. The chances of an aircraft being transformed into a weapon of mass destruction are diminished similar the events of September 2001 through the dual defenses of armed pilots and fortified cockpit doors. The chances of an aircraft being transformed into a weapon of mass destruction are diminished similar the events of September 2001 through the dual defenses of armed pilots and fortified cockpit doors.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Characteristics of Gothic Literature Essay

The Gothic In 1798 an anonymous author published a commentary that revealed exactly how some writers received the Gothic during this time: â€Å" Take—An old castle, half of it ruinous A long gallery, with a great many doors, some secret ones. Three murdered bodies, quite fresh. As many skeletons, in chests and presses. An old woman hanging by the neck; with her throat cut. Assassins and desperadoes, quant. suff. Noises, whispers, and groans, threescore at least. † (1-7) After reading many of the selections in the anthology, I found this poem on a Gothic’s â€Å"recipe† to be quite true (602). However, in the case of this anonymous writer, he considers all of these characteristics to be negative. I, on the other hand, find it very intriguing that this type of novel developed in a time ruled by writers whose main focus was politics and poetry. Many influential writers including Coleridge and Wordsworth criticized the characteristics, morality, purpose, and significance of these novels; however, I believe many of the features they disliked actually broadened the scope of literature. The Gothic novel was often attacked for being too formulaic. Although the specifics of the plot changed from novel to novel, the characteristics were often similar, which is something that is pointed out repeatedly by the Gothic’s critics. The similarities encountered in the characteristics of these novels include the setting, mystery, and characters to name a few. The setting of this type of novel is usually in a castle of sorts, or in some other mysterious place that produces suspense and terror within the reader. Although these settings were often alike, they â€Å"exist to convey the atmosphere† and are used â€Å"for ends that are fundamentally psychological† (Hume 286). This characteristic is one that set up the entire feeling of the novel, one of suspense, horror, and mystery. The setting of various novels was not uniform because it was the easy or obvious choice like many critics believed, but because it created a certain atmosphere that was needed for the plot. If the story had been set on a sunny beach, the atmosphere would have been much different and the reader would not get the same affect. Like the settings, the mysteries that develop within Gothic novels are usually somewhat similar. From what I have come across, many include a murder or deep, dark secret that is unraveled by an ordinary person. While this may support Wordsworth’s claim that these novels are â€Å"sickly and stupid German tragedies† because of their straightforward plot, I find them to be quite interesting (266). These mysteries create suspense, and were the first â€Å"page-turners† that were ever written. Readers no longer had to decipher long and complicated meanings from pieces such as the â€Å"Lucy Gray† poems; instead, they could sit back, relax, and enjoy these novels that created an escape into a mysterious world. Another piece of the â€Å"formula† that was important to the genre were the characters that were used throughout the novels. The characters were often simple people who were thrown into a situation that required extraordinary actions. While the simplicity of the characters was often criticized by writers who considered themselves to be â€Å"high culture,† these characters had the ability to â€Å"involve the reader in special circumstances† (Hume 286). Unlike the pieces that came before them, the Gothic novel had the capacity to draw the reader in, and put them in the shoes of the main character. For me, it was very hard to feel for the personas in earlier poems that we came across. I think the main reason for this is that the characters tended to be somewhat generic, but interesting. They allowed for anyone to understand the character and immerse themselves within the character’s thoughts. They also allowed for people to sink in to a particular character and feel the terror that they were feeling. Another aspect of the Gothic that was often called into question was the morality of the characters and authors. There are many instances in which these novels incorporated grotesque scenes that included rape and murder among many other things. In The Monk by Matthew Lewis the main character, Ambrosia, is a virtuous and ethical man who seduced by the demon Matilda. In one scene â€Å"his desires were raised to that frantic height by which brutes are agitated†¦ and [he] hastily proceeded to tear off those garments which impeded the gratification of his lust† (598). Ambrosia is obviously an immoral character, and he is criticized for not being so. To me, it seems like critics were getting to the point where they were trying to find anything and everything to criticize about the Gothic novel. While this genre may involve some unseemly characters, they are needed in order to create an interesting plot. Having some sort of villain is necessary in any type of writing that has a mystery or murder involved. Without villains, we cannot have heroes, and both are very important aspects of literature. Coleridge, for example, not only attacked The Monk as a novel but also attacked Lewis as a person for having the ability to create such an immoral character. He believed that â€Å"the merit of a novelist is in proportion†¦ to the pleasurable effect which he produces (604). I highly disagree with this statement because I believe controversy affects change, and change is needed in order to forward society. Novelists and poets were no longer writing poems that had the sole purpose of making a person feel good or empowered; instead, they were writing for entertainment. Also, many of the writers before The Monk addressed political issues that were not considered pleasurable, but controversial and hard to confront. Coleridge’s statement seems to contradict everything that literature stands for. Authors and the literature they create are unpleasant at times, and that is not wrong—it is merely a necessity for the forward movement of society and evolution of literature. Another important issue to address when it comes to these novels is their specific purpose. It seems that every literary movement in history had some sort of motive or driving force behind them. For the Gothic, this driving force or purpose seems to be to induce terror while entertaining. Before this movement, we never really encountered works of literature that were straightforward, suspenseful, and enjoyable all at the same time. In an essay by Aikin and Aikin, they claimed that people would â€Å"rather chuse to suffer the smart pang of a violent emotion than the uneasy craving of an unsatisfied desire† (584). By this, they mean that terror is pleasurable, and that is exactly what these novels delivered to their readers. It was not an emotion that was regularly produced when readers came into contact with the typical works of this time. For a piece of literature to induce such error was something novel and interesting that affected many of their readers. Because terror is an emotion that is hard to come by, these novels were, like I said, an escape for readers. Terror is not something that a person wants to encounter in their real life, but is something they can enjoy and acquire through reading these novels. Their purpose was not to confuse the reader with complicated meanings full of allusions. Instead, these terrifying novels have the ability to â€Å"render the poorest and most insipid narrative interesting when once we get fairly into it† (584). Although many of the authors of Gothic novels may not have been the best composers compared to standards during this time, they were still able to draw in a huge audience because they gave the people what they wanted. I would not consider the narratives â€Å"insipid,† but compared to the works that came before them, they were much simpler and used language that was not considered to be as articulate. This simplicity that is encountered when reading a piece of Gothic work, though criticized, says much about how society was changing during this time. These novels significantly altered the way in which literature was composed and whom it was available to. Instead of being read by the elite few, it was accessible to pretty much anyone who could read. During this time, the percent of literate people was rising rapidly, especially in the middle class. These books appealed to these people, and sold millions upon millions of copies because of this. I think that much of the distaste that so-called â€Å"high culture† writers had for these novels is because of their success. They were extremely popular, more so than the most popular of the poets during this time. For example, Wordsworth was said to be a commercialized version of â€Å"real† poetry because it was easier to understand than many other pieces out during this time. However, he never even came close to selling as many copies of Lyrical Ballads as the Gothic writers did with their own works. For Wordsworth to criticize a genre that feeds off of the readers’ ability to comprehend seems to be extremely hypocritical of him. Also, I think that when something appeals to the masses, it is a good thing. Change cannot occur unless everyone is on the same page, and that is what the Gothic provided to the people. Finally, I would like to confront just how significant this movement is to the literature we have today. This was the first time we encounter a genre that is similar to the types of genres we see today. The Gothic genre was criticized because the novels were too alike—but that is exactly what a genre is, according to today’s standards. One could argue that the novels that are published today are not of the same caliber as novels published 50, 100, or 200 years ago. And maybe that is true, but is it necessarily bad? In my opinion, having novels that are more accessible to more people makes for a better, more unified society. Having works of literature that are too complicated, wordy, or abstract leads to more ambiguity, and eventually creates a divide among social classes. I am not saying that all written works should be easy to understand, but I do think that the Gothic novel was the first in a wave of works of literature that helped society grow more literate. Finally, scholars and everyday people were able to read and talk about the same kinds of things. Although scholars who thought they were better writers were constantly criticizing it, they could not appeal to the masses. Gothic literature had the ability to do this, and you can still see its influence in novels on shelves today. It has a definite place in literary history, and should not be overlooked. It may not have had the deepest plots or the most complicated characters, but the genre had an impact during the 18th century, and continues to have an impact today.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Instinct and circumstance

Buber believes, that then â€Å"I† of the human is double, and relative to the relationships into which it enters. The â€Å"I† that replies to â€Å"Thou† is vastly different from the â€Å"I† that replies to â€Å"It†. Every act of saying I is an act of being I in one of these ways. I-It is any being as experience, analytic, I-Thou is the being as a relationship, synthetic. There is nothing in particular to be known about the Thou, it can only be understood in its wholeness and not known. We see it clearly and yet cannot tell the details.I-Thou comes before I-It, it is the basic â€Å"main word†. It is the first comprehension of the Other. But I-Thou is doomed to be come I-It as we familiarize ourselves with it and find a utilitarian approach to the Other. And yet I-It may become I-Thou if the scrutinizing man chooses to further the relationship and not look at the details of the one with who he is interacting, but at its essence. Still, it is impossible to live in the I-Thou mode constantly, for it is being only in the present and paying attention only to the present.Deep and essential it may be, and yet fickle and does not bode well for survival. As Buber puts it, â€Å"The human being cannot live without the It. But the one who lives only with the It is not a human being†, as these few fickle moments are the most direct manifestation of what makes us human – our ability to dialog directly. A growing civilization means a growing world of It, because each new civilization gathers within itself the â€Å"It† of the previous culture.It is usually falsely called a growth of spiritual life, but this is not true: spiritual life is the domain of the I-Thou, a response to the Absolute, while the growth of cognitive capacity generally diminishes the capability for having a true Relationship. The I-It word is nothing bad, unless it attempts to take the place of its rightful counterpart, as one is useless without the other. If one divides the â€Å"spheres of interest† of the Thou and It, he will get communities with nothing in common on one hand and feelings without substance on the other, a divided and sad existence.Buber speaks of two opposite pairs: of freedom and destiny and of necessity and fate. The first belong to I-Thou, the second to I-It. Destiny is a measure of self-actualization: only the person who has achieved freedom and understood what he is and what he truly desires can find his destiny. On the other hand, he who gives in to the laws of necessity and causality and does not act from the very depths of his being discounting causality meets the jaws of fate as his form of existence.He is the toy of the forces beyond him, while the man who follows his destiny rides the waves. Any culture generally starts on the impulse of I-Thou and declines on I-It, as does the human being. Buber differentiates between the Will and the self-will. The first is the grand impulse t o meet with one's destiny, to participate in the dialog. The second is merely the fickle desires of the limited human being, the lesser will controlled by instinct and circumstance. It is up to every human to choose what path he will take.This is the difference between individuality and personality, between learning one's boundaries by creating more of them or by destroying them – the result, in the end, is one and the same, but how different the experience! It is the choice between living in a mortal world or of mingling – even but momentarily – with Eternity itself. By relating the boundaries of the I-Thou one shapes them, as well, and creates them in a living response to outside circumstance, in dialog with it.By putting up walls in the I-It relationship, one distances oneself from the world, and is unable to react to any situation at hand, he may merely remember and try to act according to experience. There is no external difference between how the men in I- Thou and in I-It live. Both interact with the outside world, the man in I-Thou does not stop seeing the differences between things, lost in dialog. The difference is internal. For the man in I-Thou it is all a part of one living dialog. For the man in I-It, things are separate and only vaguely related.The man in I-Thou is interdependent on his dialog with the Absolute, but the Absolute is dependent on him, as well. The man in I-It thinks himself free but is dependent upon a thousand things. These two states are strangely interrelated. The stronger the It takes its hold on the I, the stronger the epiphanies the personal relationship of the I-Thou variety brings. Only through the greatest darkness will there be the greatest light, only through the loss of the word – dialog, only by going to the edges of fate can we know freedom, and through causality we learn the ways of destiny. Such are the cycles of the world in its eternal revolution.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Homers the Iliad Essay

The Iliad is a Greek epic poem attributed to Homer. Paris, son of King Priam of Troy carries off Helen, wife of Menelaus. The epic describes the war waged by Achaean prince against Troy with an intention to recover Helen. Specifically, it deals with the anger of Achilles, the special hero of the poem at the slight put upon him by Agamemnon, leader of the host, and his final return to the field and slaying of Hector [MARGARET and JENNY, Para 1]. The Iliad is one of the most prominent among the ancient masterpieces in literature. It is about two countries that bitterly war over a single woman, Helen, the wife of Menelaus. The rivalry takes place for about ten years before the Argive armies (the Greeks) finally win out over the Trojans. Today, The Iliad is available to a contemporary audience in several different forms. It may be read, listened to, or viewed even by illiterates. The story’s author, Homer, has typically overcome the challenge of how to tell the story to the masses. He achieved it by singing the entire poem or perhaps several books at a time to them. Homer has employed the so called oral tradition of communication to reach the masses. In the epic, Homer has used certain terms which an average person in Ancient Greece could understand. These similes can be divided into several different categories: the descriptions of battles, people, and gods. In all cases, these similes are used to aid understanding in Greek oral tradition [Radman, Para 1]. The story suggests a battle between Troy and Greece in large scale. Since most of the listeners would never have seen such large wars, Homer has made an effort to link between what those people would understand and the actual events of the combat. The similes that Homer used to describe the various fighting scenes have nature as its basis to depict the actions of the warriors, or of entire ranks of men. If an average person who listens to the epic had never seen a war, he/she will never be able to visualize the actions being dictated. Therefore, Homer has used creative and elaborate descriptions of something common in an ordinary person’s lives, juxtaposed with the unfamiliar and it has allowed the listener to understand what the singer of the tale is trying to convey. The similes related to fighting are divided into two different categories: the type depicting animals in nature, and of the happenings of the natural world itself. When one goes through the text, he/she could notice similes on a single page of fighting, describing one or several people through animal behavior. This could be observed when the Trojans are fighting for the body of Patroclus. There the simile used links their armies to an angered hive of wasps. When the Trojans charge it, the simile goes like: they swarmed forth like wasps from a roadside nest when boys have made it their sport to set them seething, day after day tormenting them round their wayside hive—idiot boys! They make a menace for every man in sight. Any innocent traveler passing them on that road can stir them accidentally—up in arms in a flash, all in a swarm come pouring, each one raging down to fight for home and children †¦[Radman, Para 4] The movements of entire armies in a seething battle portray the images found in a typical life of an Ancient Greek. The other two frequently used references to the mass movements of troops are that of land and water. These references utilize the commonality of the elements so that Homer can describe some scenarios to the listeners who find it difficult to understand such scenes. Another simile that is used frequently in battles is when one person was singled out for a description of their fighting prowess. These similes call upon the graphic details of wolves in attack, or the ravaging of a lion. Menelaus is one of the Argive warriors and when he is fighting rigorously in the battle, the other would-be attackers are frightened-off by the intense ferocity of his initial attack. Homer describes this scenario as follows †¦ as a fierce mountain lion sure of his power, seizing the choicest head from a good grazing herd. First he cracks its neck, clamped in his huge jaws, mauling the kill then down in gulps he bolts it, blood and guts, and around him dogs and shepherds raise a fierce din but they keep their distance, lacking nerve to go in and take the lion on †¦[Radman, Para 7] There are several observations that can be made by looking at the similes of warriors in battle. The first is that the type of animal used to describe Menelaus and his actions represents his ferocious nature. In other instances, the lion is used to describe several fighters like Argives and Trojans. The second major use of simile is to describe people in combative and non-combative situations. Generally, these can be seen as a type of title for the person described. Only the major characters of the epic are named with such titles. The types of titles given in the story fall in to two categories: titles of mortal men and women, and those of the gods. Even mortals are given due importance in some scenes. As far as fighting is concerned, most of the similes are linked with the characters of Achilles, Agamemnon, Hector, and Ajax, along with other men who were often referred to in battle as having the characteristics of a lion. It reflects their skill, strength, and overall mighty presence. Other types of creatures that have nothing to with battle are used to describe some of the fighters. For instance, Achilles is once addressed as a dolphin while slaughtering Trojans in the Xanthus River. Trojans try hard to save their life from Achilles. Here is the text from the epic that describes the scenario: Like shoals of fish darting before some big-bellied dolphin, escaping, cramming the coves of a good deepwater harbor, terrified for their lives- he devours all he catches- so the Trojans down that terrible river’s onrush cowered under its bluffs [Radman, Para 12]. In the epic, a mortal is often compared to a deity. In many scenes, a man’s fighting skill is mentioned as divine. Generally, this is just an elaborate way to say that a person has done something really well. Everyone knows that the God Hephaestus, â€Å"the famous crippled Smith,† was the god of fire [Radman, Para 14]. As Patroclus makes a fire that is worthy of a God, it is surely a mighty blaze which Patroclus has created. The listeners of ancient Greece wondered at these great skills. Many of these similes aimed at embellishing a person’s qualities to make them all the more impressive. While describing Gods, similes are slightly more difficult to come by. As it will sound bad to compare a god to a mortal, Homer describes them by their specific abilities. In essence, he moves laterally instead of vertically. The entire epic is filled with many different types of similes used in the graphic depiction of battles, people, places, and gods. Hats off to Homer who has used the similes in such a creative way that even an illiterate can understand what Homer means to say in his poem. The similes not only assist a reader in trying to imagine what is being read, but also allow him/her to understand how relations are described to people who are less advanced than a modern culture. The epic serves a multi-functional purpose today. It is used as a tool to learn about a culture which has faded from the face of the planet into the obscurity of ancient tales and legends [Radman, Para 16]. Apart from teaching about the wars fought, the types of armor, weapons, and the strategies used in conquests of other countries in that time period, the epic also stresses on the most important usage of and gives an insight in to the social standards of the time, how that culture behaved, what they believed, and how they lived. People will learn from this classical epic for generations to come. An epic is considered to have gained a great success when it reaches even the masses

Friday, September 13, 2019

BUSINESS RESEARCH TEAM RESEARCH Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

BUSINESS RESEARCH TEAM RESEARCH - Assignment Example This has been attributed to the entrance of manufacturers such as Micromax Mobile, Lenovo, Huawei, and Xiaomi, which have brought in low-priced products with high performance and high-end specifications (Trefis, 2014). Consequently, these competitors have been finding indulgence and favor among aspirational, budget-mindful consumers who feel that their tastes, preferences and needs are sufficiently met by the companies. Emerging markets are proving to be troublesome to Samsung due to its inability to compete effectively with the new entrants that bring in innovation, more customer-tailored products and services, and low prices that consumers find attractive. Emerging markets that were once lucrative to Samsung have now turned into a liability (Trefis, 2014). What is hurting Samsung most is the sheer fact that consumers have decided to expand their horizon and seek other brands that the market provides. Apparently, due to competition, Samsung is losing its loyal customer and might soo n be operating at a loss unless the management takes an immediate corrective action to contain the competition and electronics

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Sensation and Preception Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sensation and Preception - Essay Example Driving is another instance where sensation and perception is vital to our well-being. Determining our distance in relation to a structure, or another vehicle, is particularly important for our safety, and the safety of others with whom we share the road. These are two instances, in which these processes are necessary to ensure our survival during our normal, everyday lives. During the viewing of this video, my perception of sensory stimuli was noticeably changed on numerous occasions. The most notable of these, was the screen that appeared to be a darker shade of gray on the left half. This was most intriguing, because when the sensory stimuli was altered by simply covering the center boundary, the only area in which a difference in shade was actually present, both halves of the screen were proven to be identical in color. In retrospect, even though one is aware of there being no actual difference, aside from the center boundary, we still get the sensation that there is a slight dif ference in brightness or color. This phenomenon, referred to as subjective contours, is explained as the brain’s tendency to detect a slight difference in the sensory stimuli, in this case the slight color variation, and to over-extend that variation, therefore registering a pattern that does not exist.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Global Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Global Strategy - Essay Example The company caters to The United States, Canada, Europe as well as the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. The company on one hand provides the telecommunications services and on the other hand is the producer of the wireless telephones, cellular telephones as well as tablets. The company has dominant presence in the European Markets of Germany, Poland, Hungary, Australia, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Croatia and Montenegro. The company has a subscriber base of 150 million which makes it one of the largest players in the industry. The company is a publicly listed company and is being listed in all the stock exchanges of Germany and in one of the stock exchanges of the USA. T-mobile has an employee base of more than two thirty thousand and has many subsidiaries outside the region of Germany in the places mentioned. The company earned revenue of 58.2 billion euro in the year 2012. The history of the company dates back to the year 1985 when the first telecommunication services we re introduced in the country of Germany. The government postal services also conducted the telecommunication systems under the name of Deutsche Bundespost. The first GSM network of Germany started its operations from 1989. The company which was in those days controlled and operated by the government was privatised in the year 1996 under the name of Deutsche Telekom. In 2002 the company was renamed to T-Mobile by changing it German form and making it more anglicised. In the year 2010, T-Mobile started a joint venture with the subsidiary in France. In Germany however, the operations of the various subsidiaries of the company were merged. This gave rise to a new entity that mainly operated in the market namely Telekom Deutschland GmbH. Thus the T-mobile was no longer existent in the country of Germany. Corporate structure The corporate structure of the company has been built in such as way as to make the company sustain in the long-run. The company has to comply with the German Corpora te Governance Code because the company is based in this country. There are seven broad departments in the organisation that take the responsibility of the various areas of the businesses of T-Mobile. Some of the areas however are cross functional and are interlinked. There are the departments like the Marketing, Human Resources, Finance, Operations, Legal and Compliance as well as the Data Privacy Departments. Each of these Departments is controlled by Board of Directors. These boards are also segmented based on the geographical location and area of operation. These departments are Germany, T-Systems and Europe & Technology. The company had an internal focus all through the tenure of its business (Thompson, 2012, pp. 198-234). The managers and the chief strategists of the company ensured that the company maintained a good level of revenue and recorded a comfortable rage in the EBITDA of the company. These figures went down in the year 2012 because the company has to meet several fin ancial targets in the particular fiscal year. The company was able to meet the various kinds of